1299 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008

A Beautiful Smile Starts with Healthy Teeth and Gums

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A beautiful smile starts with both healthy teeth and gums. And while you may not know this, one of the main factors in adult tooth loss is gum disease (also known as periodontal disease). How can this be? One of the reasons is that gum disease can be painless, so you may not even be aware that you have it unless you see our dentist routinely.

So what causes gum disease to prosper? Plaque–a sticky, bacterial film that forms every day in your mouth. This is why you want to spend time each day brushing and flossing your pearly whites. Diligent daily attention removes plaque and prevents it from hardening into tartar. Once plaque hardens, it will require professional removal by Dr. Steven A. Beuligmann and our team.

Signs that you may have gum disease include swollen or red, tender gums, bleeding gums, loose teeth, persistent bad breath and receding gums. The good news is, treating periodontal degeneration can be as easy as detecting it early. In fact, in the early stages, it is often reversible. Early periodontal treatment usually includes stepping up your oral hygiene game–brushing at least twice each day and flossing at least once–followed by a professional dental cleaning.

As gum disease advances, Dr. Steven A. Beuligmann may recommend additional professional dental cleanings, improved at-home oral hygiene, antibiotic treatment, scaling and root planing (deep cleanings), or possibly gum surgery.

As you can see, a beautiful smile starts with healthy teeth and gums. If you would like to schedule your next visit with our team, please call 760.729.5964 today. At Steven A. Beuligmann, DDS Inc in Carlsbad, California. Dr. Steven A. Beuligmann and our dedicated team want to help you reach all of your smile goals!