1299 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008

The Best Dental Treatments That Will Give You the Best Smile

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If you are looking for a way to improve the health and appearance of your smile, we are here to tell you there are multiple ways to do so at Steven A. Beuligmann, DDS Inc, and those ways involve the use of:

Dental crowns
A dental crown is also known as a dental cap, which is a dental restoration that covers the entire visible surface of your tooth and improves its health and appearance. If you have a broken, misshapen, discolored, unhealthy, or unattractive tooth, this is the perfect option for you!

Dental bridges
A dental bridge is a great option if you are missing one or more of your permanent teeth. This product bridges the gap in your mouth and completes your smile. It is anchored to the remaining teeth in your smile and it gives you the permanent results you are looking for.

Teeth-whitening treatment
Teeth-whitening treatments are helpful when you want a whiter and brighter smile. There are many options available, like over-the-counter treatments, professional whitening trays, and in-office treatments. Each one of these treatments can help you reach the smile you are looking for—just make sure you choose one that works perfectly with your smile.

Dental veneers
Dental veneers offer an easy solution to improving the appearance of your unattractive tooth. They are wafer-thin shells that cover the front surface of your tooth and disguise its imperfections. These shells are custom made for your smile and they offer stunning results.

Each one of these treatments is very beneficial and helpful. It can give you the results you are looking for in just a short amount of time. If you are interested in improving your smile with any of these treatments, please feel free to call 760.729.5964 now and schedule an appointment with Dr. Steven A. Beuligmann. Our dentist will be happy to examine your smile and get you started on the best treatment right away. We look forward to giving you the smile you have always wanted!